Toni Ridgway-Woodall
Toni Ridgway-Woodall is a Library Assistant in the Reference and Local History Department and the Mary Bishop Memorial Gallery Coordinator at CDPL.
Has your New Year’s resolution gone to the wayside? Feeling like you have dropped the ball on your personal goals? No worries! You can pursue a fresh start and get back on track by checking out and using the materials and services we offer at the library.
Begin your fresh start by attending a one-hour in-person program, such as Journaling for Organization & Wellness on February 5 at 6:30. In this adult program, you can create a plan and track your progress while exploring different types of journaling options. Limited spaces are available. Don’t wait! Register today for the event and to get a free journaling starter kit.
Interested in learning a new language or sharpening your bilingual skills? Explore your options with the support of CDPL. We have traditional audiobook lessons and grammatical resources to help you on this journey. Our newest addition to language learning is the Transparent Language online program. It’s easily accessible on a computer or mobile device. Create an account using your library card and email address. Once you have an account, you can also look for the free Transparent Language app in your app store. There are short vocabulary lessons, phonics sound buttons, instructional tutorials, and even multiple social media communities for each language. Learning a new language has never been easier!
Enjoy working with your hands? You can access thousands of art and craft video classes taught by design experts, and artists with your library card. We offer numerous locally Recorded Programs plus free access to Creativebug. You can learn everything from traditional painting techniques to trendy crochet projects. There is something for everyone.
Did you know you can learn to fix your car or truck by using your library card? We have several physical copies of the most popular Chilton Automotive Manuals at CDPL. You can also use your library card to access the Chilton Automotive database that includes “Ask an Expert.” Stop by the Reference Desk at your next visit to obtain the access password and basic instructions on how to connect remotely on your device.
Of course, we have thousands of traditional books and the reading programs you love. The 2024 Winter Reading Program will come to an end on January 31, but don’t worry if you missed this opportunity for great prizes because Summer Reading is just around the bend. We also have an annual Reading Challenge that encourages you to read something you enjoy each month to earn a free book. The tracking sheet is currently available on the 1st and 2nd floors of the library.
As you can see, it is easy to set realistic goals that you can work on all year long. Ask one of our friendly librarians to help you find relevant materials that will put you on a path to success.
Stop by the Circulation or Reference Desk if you would like to receive instructions on how to search our catalog or acquire a CDPL library card. CDPL’s regular hours of operation are Monday-Thursday 9a-9p, Friday-Saturday 9a-5p, and Sunday 1-5p.