Toni Ridgway-Woodall
Toni Ridgway-Woodall is a Library Assistant in the Reference and Local History department and the Mary Bishop Memorial Gallery Coordinator at CDPL.
Do you love movies that inspire you to step above and beyond? You can find an excellent selection at the Crawfordsville District Public Library. We have a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction films and there are multiple ways you can watch your favorites. You may check out a DVD or Blu-Ray for (7) seven days or use your library card to stream films, documentaries, and television shows with your Kanopy or Hoopla app any day of the week. You can also find a large selection of gently used media at our book sale on the second Saturday of each month.
If you are feeling nostalgic, consider revisiting some popular classics. For sports fanatics, the 1976 baseball summer favorite “The Bad News Bears” (DVD FIC Bad) is still a favored choice. Or you may take a look back at your high school basketball days with the “Teen Wolf & Teen Wolf Too” (DVD FIC Tee) box set. Don’t forget to check out a movie that includes well-known superstars when they were children in the fun-loving adventure “The Goonies” (DVD FIC Goo).
Looking for serious topics that require a deeper reflection on social issues? Understand the victimization caused by racial profiling in the book-to-movie adaptation of “The Hate U Give” (DVD FIC Hat). Or get inspired by the true story of Kurt Warner, a man who overcame many challenges to be an NFL champion in “American Underdog” (DVD FIC Ame). Australian film “Three Thousand Years of Longing” (DVD FIC Thr) is a peaceful story that will inspire you to share your most powerful resource: love. Then, take a deep breath and appreciate the wisdom in “Journey into Buddhism” (DVD 294.3 Jou), or sort through our extensive collection of documentaries to find your perfect match.
Learn about the history of our country from the perspective of others. Follow a journey into the deep south to understand the social climate of the 1960s in “Freedom Riders” (DVD 323.1196 Fre), or fly into action with “In Their Own Words: The Tuskegee Airmen” (DVD 940.544 In), the first African American pilots of the US Army Air Force.
For those who love to know the details of historically significant individuals, investigate the under-acknowledged physicist and chemist who was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in the “The Scientific Genius of Marie Curie” (DVD 921 Curie, M.), or discover the fascinating life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in “RGB” (DVD 921 Ginsburg, R.). “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” (DVD 921 Rogers, F.) offers a comprehensive view of the life of iconic children’s television host Fred Rogers.
Visit one of our OPAC stations to search for subjects that interest you, or stop by the Reference Desk on the 2nd floor for additional assistance. Enjoy our extensive collection of reading materials and media options. If you are interested in acquiring a CDPL library card, searching our catalog in advance, or signing up for an in-person program, please visit our website at www.cdpl.lib.in.us or call us at 765-362-2242. CDPL is open Monday-Thursday 9a-9p, Friday-Saturday 9a-5p, and Sunday 1-5p.