Stephanie Morrissette
Stephanie Morrissette is an avid naturalist and a Library Assistant in the Reference and Local History department at CDPL.
Happy New Year! CDPL is happy to offer a new and adventurous program series this year called the Library Naturalist. We will have an educational nature program on a different topic each month. We will also include some nature hikes throughout the series! The educational classroom programs will be geared towards adults and teens ages 12 and up, whereas the hikes are open to the general public, including families. Most programs will be approximately one hour, with offsite programs lasting up to two hours.
The kickoff event is on Saturday, January 20, at 10 am in Meeting Room B. We will decorate nature journals, which will then be used to record our observations and illustrations each month on a new subject. Supplies are provided and registration is required to reserve a notebook for you. Register online to attend.
Next, on Saturday, February 17 at 10:00 am in Meeting Room D, we will learn about the Bats of Indiana – their features, habitat, ecology, and identification. Bring your nature journal to record observations through notes and sketches. Registration is not needed for this event.
Then, throughout the year, typically on the third Saturday of each month, we will continue to learn about local nature topics with our Library Naturalist. Discover the characteristics, vocalization, and identification of “Backyard Songbirds of Indiana”. Learn the classification of “Morel Mushrooms” – including habitats and signs to look for when foraging, as well as identification characteristics. Learn “Tree Identification” based on their multiple attributes. Expand your knowledge of the “Caves of Indiana” and caving etiquette. Learn about “Owls of Indiana”, their characteristics, habitat, mating rituals, sounds, and diet; we will even dissect owl pellets to see what they’ve been eating! Check out our website calendar for all the details on future dates and times.
During the summer, we plan to go on a couple of adventures outside the library at our local Sugar Creek. We will also have virtual spring and fall “Tree ID” videos, which will be available on our website and our library’s YouTube channel during those seasons.
Each month you can bring your notebook to the classroom to draw, paint, sketch, or write in your journal as we learn about each topic every month. Bring your nature journals on our hikes for field notes and interesting information, including leaves and wildflowers. Those patrons who attend all programs will receive a Library Naturalist certificate and other cool swag. We look forward to offering a new and fresh programming experience to our patrons at CDPL.
For more information, call the CDPL Reference desk at 765-364-2242. The library is open Monday through Thursday from 9 am to 9 pm; Fridays and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm; and Sundays from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.