Janna Bennett
Janna Bennett is curator of the Carnegie Museum.

The Magic of Water explores all forms of art celebrating water – from thunderstorms to swimming pools and streams to waterfalls! Poets, philosophers, and artists have often reflected on the magical properties water. Loren Eiseley wrote, “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”
Water is forever changing its shape and form and is essential for life. It continues to shape the landscape around us – one river, one mud puddle, and one snowstorm at a time. As it does, it affects our lives. Plentiful water in the spring and summer allows canoers to paddle down Sugar Creek. Rain nurtures crops and flowers throughout the growing season. Snow or ice storms can mean no school – more time for sledding and snowball fights!
The mixed media show features art by local amateur and professional artists. Featured in the show is work by Kayla Beard, Fritz Bennett, Will Bernhardt II, William Bernhardt III, Cheri Clark, Debora Cloncs, Stacie Cook, Lissa Fairfield, Alice Harpel, Brooke Harshbarger, Amber Leon, Alicia MacIsaac, Shari McCollough, John Oilar, Anne Roscher Parks, Stacy Savage, Jerry Smith, Elizabeth Strain, Leslie Warren, Donna Wilson, Hollie Yager, and John Zimmerman.
Please join us for the opening reception on Saturday, August 26, 2 pm – 4 pm.
The exhibit will be on display from August 26, 2023 to October 7, 2023.
The Carnegie Museum is open Wednesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission to the museum is free, and the building is wheelchair and stroller accessible.