Ivette de Assis-Wilson
Ivette de Assis-Wilson is the Manager of the Reference and Local History Department at the Crawfordsville District Public Library.
We survived the Holidays, the first week of January is already gone, and the weather seems like a roller-coaster of temperatures… Now what? Do you already have a to-do list for 2023, or are you a procrastinator like me? If anywhere on that list (or just in your thoughts) are the words “learn,” “watch,” “read,” or “save” CDPL is the one-stop-shop answer to all your needs. From our databases to our in-house collection, you can pick from a variety of topics and materials from which to learn something new.
Would you like to take up a hobby? Creativebug offers over 1,00 arts and crafts video classes from calligraphy to weaving and home décor. Instructors include top designers and artists from around the country. Besides classes, the platform offers daily practice series, documentaries and in-depth videos about the creative process, and a blog to keep you informed of new trends. You may explore this platform from home. Log in using your library card, create your personal account, then find a fun, enjoyable class to follow.
Want to learn more about car repair? Already a skilled mechanic? The Chilton Automotive database is a great resource to consult for beginners and experts alike. If you enjoy restoring antique cars, you can find information on automobiles that were manufactured dating back to 1901. Not only there are car maintenance instructional videos available, but you can also take ASE test prep quizzes or ask a question from an expert. Other tools include a labor estimating tool, wiring diagrams, and more. No account is needed – just your library card and a visit to the library. If you wish to access the site from home, please contact the Reference Desk for more information.
If you decided that this year will be dedicated to improving your professional skills, increasing your hiring opportunities, or applying for that promotion you have dreamed of, our Infobase Learning Cloud may be what you’re looking for. Courses are online and include topics on career skills, design, mobile devices, programming, and software and technology. You can learn the essentials of Office 2019, polish your leadership strategies, develop self-management skills, and much more. You may access Infobase from the comfort of your home after creating an account on their platform.
These are only three of the many databases and materials we have to offer and they are all free with your library card. Interested in learning more about opportunities for self-paced educational materials? We offer Universal Class, The Great Courses, A to Z Culture Database, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, and Inspire. To find these items, go to our website at www.cdpl.lib.in.us/econtent. Curious about how to use all of our resources? Stop by the Reference desk on the second floor, and we are happy to help. You may also call us at (765)362-2242, ext. 117 or email us at ref@cdpl.lib.in.us. Happy Learning everyone!