Stephanie Morrissette
Stephanie Morrissette is an avid naturalist and a Library Assistant in the Adult Services Department at CDPL.
July is National Park and Recreation Month. Each year, the national park system, state and local park agencies, and outdoor enthusiasts look forward to celebrating this month by visiting natural sites, hiking the trails, camping in the wilderness, attending nature education programs, and making memories with family and friends. Here at CDPL, we have travel guides for all your destinations. From individual state guides to specific parks and recreational areas, we can help you find the information you are looking for whether you are planning your next trip or just want to get ideas on places to visit while exploring the great outdoors in July.
Through July, we will have a book display on National Parks and Recreation Month and many items listed in this article will be available for checkout. For information on Indiana, check out Indiana State Parks by Matt Williams (977.2 Wil), Indiana’s Lost National Road by David Humphrey (917.72 Hum), Nature Walks in the Indiana Dunes by Alan McPherson (917.72 McP), or Guide to the Hoosier State by Writers’ Program (917.72 Wri). Additionally, the DNR Division of Outdoor Recreation has a periodical we maintain called ‘Outdoor Indiana.” Be sure to check out this magazine for great Indiana destination ideas.
For a more inclusive list of sites and locations to visit in the state of Indiana, we have free copies of the DNR Indiana Recreation guides available for pick up on the second floor at the library. These magazines contain a wealth of information on things to do and places to see in the Hoosier state. From kayaking to boating and fishing, hiking, biking, horseback riding, or camping, this publication has you covered. In addition, we have free public park programming guides from local counties that offer educational programs and crafts on all things nature. From children to adults, there is something for everyone.
For information on traveling the country, look into our dedicated state travel books such as Minnesota, Colorado, Ohio, Texas, Alaska, and New Mexico; we have dedicated guides for those states mentioned, plus many more. Suppose you are searching for more definitive guides on our national park system. In that case, we have included in our collection the “Guide to National Parks” ( 917.304 Gui), “National Geographic Guide to National Parks of the United States” (917.3 Nat), and the “Official Guide to National Parks” (917.304 Off). But wait, that’s not all! We also have “Where Should We Camp Next? National Parks” by Stephanie Pugslisi (917.306 Pu) and “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea” by Dayton Duncan (333.78 Dun). Also, if you are into camping, we have our “Best Camping” book series on various states across the U.S. We also have books on camp food and recipes, and camp games to play around the campfire.
Currently, on the second floor of the library is our Local Recreational Adventures display for fun ideas all around the Hoosier state. Stop by to check out local opportunities and pick up free brochures on a variety of possibilities at the Adult Services desk, or check out our book display.