Janella Nunan
Janella Nunan is a Children’s Librarian at CDPL and an enthusiastic Master Gardener
The Crawfordsville District Public Library has opened the Seed Library for the 2024 growing season! This year you will find your favorite vegetable and flower seeds with a sprinkling of new seeds to try. Each patron is invited to take 10 seed packets for the season. If you need more seeds than allowed, please send your email request to cvilleseedlibrary@gmail.com.
The Seed Library is upstairs on the second floor of the library by the service desk. New this year will be the addition of a seed library for children soon to be located in the Children’s Department. This will include seeds for easy-to-grow flowers, pumpkins, and sunflowers.
The Seed Library is more than just seeds, it’s a time to show off your talents! In June, you can enter the Flower Contest with flowers from your backyard. Winners will take home ribbons and bragging rights. This is a fundraiser for the Seed Library so there is a small entry fee. Our Sunflower Contest last August brought in over 50 photo entries from gardeners of all ages. There is a category for height, largest seed head, and overall creativity.
The Seed Library is also a time to learn! The Master Gardeners Presents series starts on March 7th with “Seed Starting for Success!” On March 14th we’ll offer “DIY Landscape Design” with Steve Galegor. On March 21st Constance Ferry of Hobbit Gardens will talk about “Herb Gardening.” “Growing Better Hydrangeas” with John Chapin of Tree Frog Gardens will happen on March 28th. On April 10th, we are excited to host “A Night with Doug Tallamy: Entomologist and Ecologist.” He is brought to us by The Environmental Transformation Podcast.
All programs will be hosted at the library in the Donnelley Room, starting at 6:30 pm. You can register online by going to cdpl.lib.in.us and clicking on the calendar of events or by calling the Circulation Desk at 765-362-2242, Ext. 1. The Seed Library is not taking seed donations but welcomes monetary donations at the Circulation Desk. The CDPL Seed Library is a collaboration with the Master Gardeners of Montgomery County.