Shelbi Hoover
Shelbi Hoover is the Library/Digital Communications Assistant at the Crawfordsville District Public Library.
As August passes and many of us begin to look forward to fall, I am recognizing a personal milestone that I can share and celebrate with our readers: I am transitioning away from my position at CDPL and moving onward to work with a company called Midwest Tape! That’s right, dear readers, as you read this column, I will have completed my exit from the library, meaning this is the last chance you’ll have to savor my humble opinions and insight.
I’ve been planning to write this farewell column for some time now but have never firmly settled on a fitting final topic to ponder. Should I highlight some of the many improvements we’ve implemented at CDPL that benefit our fellow nerds, like a revamp of the graphic novel section or the introduction of an anime DVD collection? Is it worth pointing out how the second floor is on its way to becoming a veritable plant sanctuary, and that quite a few of the plants come from my personal propagation army? Or should I beseech our readers to be aware of the national climate surrounding libraries and the insidiousness of non-librarians declaring what materials are acceptable and appropriate for access?
Well, here I am, writing about all the above and more. CDPL is a real treasure for this community, and I’ve been proud to contribute toward making this library a more welcoming environment for the past four years. I hope that our patrons similarly enjoy the shifts they may have noticed such as our plants and signs introducing some much-needed bright color into the space. Isn’t it delightful to have the option to take a break and sit down with a coloring page or crossword during your weekly library trip? How undeniably wonderful is it to see different types of people, lifestyles, and families represented in our materials and displays? I feel deep joy in seeing what a safe and warm space our library is. I hope others do, too, and that they continue raising their voices to support the freedom to read.
That’s it from me for now. I’m looking forward to transforming back into just a regular library patron after this week and will certainly be haunting my favorite corners of the library until I’ve fully moved to my new location. Don’t be afraid to stop me and talk about what you’ve been reading recently if we cross paths! Happy reading, friends, and take care.