Picture of Stephanie Morrissette

Stephanie Morrissette

Stephanie is an avid naturalist and a Library Assistant in the Adult Services Department at CDPL.

Mark your calendars and join us in welcoming Mark Booth, Executive Director of Take Flight! Wildlife Education, to the library on Saturday, December 7th at 10 am. Mr. Booth will present an educational program on raptors, with live birds of prey! Join us to end our year-long Library Naturalist series with a bang, and learn about these specialized birds. Mr. Booth will be bringing a live hawk, falcon, and owl to the library to teach us about these magnificent birds and what makes them so special.

This program is open to all ages, and no registration is required. Be sure to arrive early to secure your seat in our lower level Donnelley Room. We promise this will be an experience to remember, so bring the whole family to see these live birds.

Take Flight! brings traveling educational displays to libraries, schools, nature centers, and more on various wildlife topics including birds of prey, falconry, snakes, native mammals, literary works, and more. Through his use of live animals, natural artifacts, as well as theatrical techniques, Mr. Booth works his magic to educate patrons on many aspects of wildlife and nature. For more information on Take Flight! Wildlife Education, check out their website takeflight.org.

Additionally, you can check out CDPL’s selection of books on birds of prey and bird identification, as well as bird conservation efforts and even gardening for birds. Explore our library’s online catalog or stop by the second floor Adult Services desk, and we will be happy to guide you to your birding topic.

To discover more information on raptors, check out “North American Birds of Prey” by Scott Weidensaul (598.1 Wei) and “Raptors: Birds of Prey” by John Hendrickson (598.91 Hen). For information specifically on birds of our state, we recommend “Indiana Birds and their Haunts” by Charles Keller (598.2977 Kel) and “Birds of Indiana” by Stan Tekiela (598 Tek). For a wonderful true story about the restorative power of nature, check out “Bird Brother: A Falconer’s Journey and the Healing Power of Wildlife” by Rodney Stotts (921 Stotts, R.).

We hope to see you this Saturday at the library. You may reach out to our Adult Services Department with any questions by calling 765-362-2242, ext. 3 or by emailing preguntar@cdpl.lib.in.us. CDPL’s regular open hours are Monday through Friday from 9 am to 9 pm, Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm, and Sunday from 1 pm to 5 pm.