Christie Hunt
Christie Hunt is the Assistant Manager in the Circulation Department at CDPL.
From the moment I first started reading books I wanted to share and talk about those books with people. I have never been the type of person to thoughtfully put a book away and be done with it, no, I must seek out the book’s next victim and wait not so patiently until they also finish it so that we can talk about it. The book lives on past its pages in the discussions and for a brief moment, it can feel like living the rush of the words for the first time once more. However, I don’t just enjoy talking about books I love, I also really enjoy talking about books I loathe, and I still want you to read it so we can hate it together! Even better, if we agree to disagree about it the discussion is going to be amazing! I have never met a book I didn’t want to talk about, so it probably comes as no surprise to learn that I am in charge of the Wyrd Words book club at the library.
This October marks our 1-year anniversary of the club and it has been a whirlwind of a year. We began as a Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror book group. However, we found that many of our choices dip into other genres like Mystery, Mental Health, Science, and Comedy. Because of this, our rotating genre schedule will fully include Mystery titles starting this year! Every month we choose a book that fits into the schedule and meet to discuss it, but our time is not solely dedicated to our chosen book. We often discuss other books we are reading, even if they fall outside of the book club’s selected genres. Our format is very relaxed, laid back, and easygoing.
Over this last year our favorite book we read together was Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz and our least favorite, but probably most talked about, was Do You Dream of Terra-Two by Temi Oh. To kick off our 2nd year we have challenged ourselves to read three books for our October meeting: “Forever Odd” by Dean Koontz, “The Nine Princes in Amber” by Roger Zelazny, and “The Haunting of Hill House” by Shirley Jackson. These titles will be available for pick up at the Circulation Desk on Friday, September 22nd and we will meet to discuss them on Wednesday, October 18th, at 6 pm. Please join us if you feel like reading any one of these books, or read two of them, or read all of them, or read none of them and come and tell us what you chose to read instead. We’d love to hear it! Also, there will be cake!