About Us
Our Mission
Crawfordsville District Public Library’s mission is to provide collections, services, and programs that encourage the love of reading and learning in our community.
Crawfordsville District Public Library (CDPL) maintains a collection of books, magazines, movies, music, and digital materials for residents of Union Township and reciprocating library districts. We also provide public computers with Internet access, local history resources, events and classes for all ages, reading programs, meeting rooms, and more for our community.
CDPL operates the Carnegie Museum of Montgomery County, located across the street from the library. The museum building was constructed with funds provided by Andrew Carnegie. The building was dedicated in 1902, and it was home to the Crawfordsville Public Library until 2005, when our current library building was completed.
Our Statistics
The library collects annual statistics on its services, programs, and collections and shares them publicly.
- Collection Usage by Format
- Database Usage
- Digital Media Services Comparisons, 2022-2023
- Item Count and Circulation
- Item Circulation Statistics and Percentages
- Media/Print Circulation Yearly Comparisons
- Non-sponsored Meeting Room Usage
- Programs Held Five Year Comparison: 2012-2023
- Program Attendance Five Year Comparison: 2019-2023
- Public Internet Computer Sessions Comparison: 2022-2023
- Public Internet Computer Hours Logged Comparison: 2022-2023
- Unique Computer Users Comparison: 2019-2023
- Virtual Programs: Live-Stream Attendance, Recorded Views
- Collection Usage by Format
- Database Usage
- Digital Media Services Comparisons, 2021-2022
- Item Count and Circulation
- Item Circulation Statistics and Percentages
- Media/Print Circulation Yearly Comparisons
- Non-sponsored Meeting Room Usage
- Programs Held Five Year Comparison: 2018-2022
- Program Attendance Five Year Comparison: 2018-2022
- Public Internet Computer Sessions Comparison: 2021-2022
- Public Internet Computer Hours Logged Comparison: 2021-2022
- Unique Computer Users Comparison: 2018-2022
- Virtual Programs: Live-Stream Attendance, Recorded Views