Interlibrary Loan

Can’t find something in our catalog? Fill out this form, and we will attempt to borrow the item from another library through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and put it on hold for you.
Please note that Interlibrary Loan service is limited to Crawfordsville District Public Library cardholders. Cardholders from other libraries may request ILL service through their home library.
Patrons who are 18 and older and possess an active Resident, Non-Resident (Fee), New Resident, or New Non-Resident (Fee) Borrower card may participate in our ILL. All cards must be in good standing with an unexpired registration, less than $10 accumulated charges, and no non-renewable overdue items checked out to the account.
You may request items that have been published at least six months ago and that are not owned by CDPL or have a status of lost, missing or damaged.
Books, audiobooks, CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, and periodicals may be requested, although fulfillment of certain types of materials depends on the policies of the lending libraries.
Digital copies of documents and articles may also be requested and sent directly to a patron’s email or printed out and picked up at the library. Normal printing/copying charges apply (10 cents per black and white page, 25 cents per color).
Resident and Non-Resident (Fee) Borrowers may have 10 ILL items checked out at a time.
New Resident and New Non-Resident (Fee) Borrowers may have 1 ILL item checked out at a time.
Reading groups that wish to borrow multiple copies of books may place a special order by contacting our Technical Services staff ( or 765-362-2242, ext. 5).
This service is provided for free to all eligible patrons!
Daily fines for overdue ILL materials will no longer be assessed by CDPL; however, any invoices received by CDPL from lending libraries for replacement fees due to damaged, long overdue or lost items will be billed to the patron.
Requested items usually take 10 days to 2 weeks to arrive; some may take longer.
Due dates for ILL items are set to 28 days upon receipt at CDPL, unless otherwise specified by the lending library.
Extensions or renewals may or may not be available and are subject to the policies of the lending library. Contact Technical Services ( or 765-362-2242, ext. 5) if you would like to request a renewal or extension of your item’s due date.
Please notify the Technical Services ( or 765-362-2242, ext. 5) or Circulation Department ( or 765-362-2242, ext. 1) immediately concerning any lost or damaged ILL items.
Replacement fees for fees for lost or damaged items are assessed by the lending libraries. Any invoices received from lending libraries by CDPL will be billed to the patron.
ILL requests are sometimes canceled for reasons included but not limited to: lack of availability; age, condition and/or circulation status of the item; publication date of the item; or any other reason outlined in the lending library’s ILL policies.
Patrons will be notified of canceled or unfilled requests through email and/or messages submitted to their accounts by Technical Services staff. New messages will be accessible for 60 days. Patrons may access their accounts here using their library barcodes and PINs (once logged in, click on your name to access messages). For any assistance with logging into your account, contact the Circulation Department at 765-362-2242, ext. 1.
The library endorses the principles relating to interlibrary loan included in the Indiana Library Resource Sharing Policy, the ALA Interlibrary Loan Code, the U.S. Copyright Law and U.S. Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works Guidelines, and federal and state laws governing confidentiality of records.