www.montcares.org A central location for all the assistance provided by all care providers in our county.
Indiana 211 Help Directory
in211.communityos.org A free and confidential service that helps hoosiers across Indiana find the local resources they need.
Pam’s Promise Transitional Housing
pamspromise.org Pam’s Promise Transitional Housing Corporation is a three-to-six-month non-profit transitional housing program for homeless women and their children.
Family Crisis Shelter
familycrisisshelter.net Provides emergency housing and supportive services to victims of domestic violence.
www.mcysb.org Empowers youth to become responsible citizens through delinquency prevention, community education, youth advocacy, direct services and information and referral.
probonoindiana.org/legal-clinics FREE hybrid clinic for anyone in Indiana seeking brief legal advice on a housing or eviction issue. Residents of Montgomery County can attend in person at the Crawfordsville District Public Library.
Indiana Legal Help
Indianalegalhelp.org/info Indiana Legal Help connects Hoosiers to free and low-cost civil legal help, court forms, and information. Find forms for divorce, housing, and more.
Indiana Legal Services
INDIANALEGALSERVICES.ORG/APPLYONLINE Indiana Legal Services is a nonprofit law firm that is able to provide free legal advice or representation to people whose income levels are eligible for their services.
Indiana Free Legal Answers
INDIANA.FREELEGALANSWERS.ORG IN Free Legal Answers is a website operated by the American Bar Association. Post a question about a civil legal issue and have it answered for free by an attorney. In order to qualify, you must be unable to afford to hire an attorney.
During tax season, we have 1040 forms and 1040 instructions and the IT-40 Full Year Resident Individual Income Tax Booklet available near the library’s second floor service desk. If you need additional forms or instructions, we can print them for you.
United Way’s Free Income Tax Assistance
UWLAFAYETTE.ORG/MONTGOMERY/VITA United Way in Montgomery County’s VITA Program offers free income tax assistance to individuals making $78,000 or less. Appointments are required.