Children's Services

“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.”

– Mr. Rogers

Visit our Children’s Area on the first floor of the library! ​We have reading materials for every reading level, from board books and picture books to beginning readers and chapter books. We also have games, toys, puppets, and more available to learn, explore, and play during your visit!

Children’s Activities and Events

Our Youth Services Department hosts a variety of regular story times and book clubs, as well as special programs for kids and parents. Check out our library’s Calendar to see all of our events for all ages.

Want to receive our children’s program emails? Send a request to

Have a question about any of our activities or events? Give us a call at 765-362-2242, ext. 2.

February 2025 Calendar

View a printable version of the Children’s Activities calendar for this month. 

Weekly Events for Young Children

Baby Story Time

Tuesdays at 9:30 am
For babies up to 18 months with their caregiver. Listen to stories, sing songs, and more! Registration is not required.

Toddler Story Time

Wednesdays at 10:00 am
For toddlers aged 18 months to 3 years old with their caregiver. Listen to stories, sing songs, and make a craft! Registration not required.

Preschool Story Time

Thursdays at 10:00 am
Geared toward 3 to 5 years but all are welcome! Listen to stories, sing songs, and make a craft! Registration not required.

Wiggle & Giggle

Fridays at 10:00 am
For ages up to 5 years. Come join us for music and movement and get your wiggles out! Registration not required. This program is held weekly throughout the school year and is not held during June and July.

Kindergarten Book Club

Wednesdays at 4:00 pm
Your child’s first book club! Get a specific book from the library to read at home, then come back the next week to discuss the book, have a quiz show, and complete fun activities about the book. For kindergarteners only. Registration is required. Please call 765-362-2242, ext. 2, to sign up.

Monthly Events for School-Aged Children

First Grade Book Club

First Mondays at 4:00 pm
A special book club just for First Graders! Runs from September to April. Registration is required. Call 765-362-2242, ext. 2, to sign up.

Second Grade Book Club

Second Mondays at 4:00 pm
A special book club just for Second Graders! Runs from September to April. Registration is required. Call 765-362-2242, ext. 2, to sign up.

Third Grade Book Club

Third Mondays at 4:00 pm
A special book club just for Third Graders! Runs from September to April. Registration is required. Call 765-362-2242, ext. 2, to sign up.

Fourth Grade Book Club

Fourth Mondays at 4:00 pm
A special book club just for Fourth Graders! Runs from September to April. Registration is required. Call 765-362-2242, ext. 2, to sign up.


First Thursdays at 4:00 pm
For children of all ages! Join us to complete the LEGO challenge, then have time to free build! 

Tween Book Club

Second Thursdays at 4:00 pm
For middle schoolers in grades 5 through 8. Registration is required. Call 765-362-2242, ext. 2, to sign up.

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

We challenge you to help your child succeed in school and inspire a life-long love of reading by reading 1000 books to them before they start kindergarten!

Sounds impossible? It’s not! Reading just one book a day will complete the program in less than three years! If your child is already four, it is still possible! By reading just three books a day to your child, you can complete the program together in under a year!

Visit our Youth Services desk in the Children’s Area to get started!


AR Bookfinder

Comprehensive database to find Accelerated Reader books.

Inspire Kids

Indiana’s Virtual Online Library.

Kanopy Kids

Kanopy’s curated collection of content for children.

AR Bookfinder

Comprehensive database to find Accelerated Reader books.

Inspire Kids

Indiana’s Virtual Online Library.

Kanopy Kids

Kanopy’s curated collection of content for children.