Support Us

Make a Donation

While local tax dollars support basic library expenses, such as library collections, staff salaries, utilities, and building maintenance, donations help us to develop and maintain quality events and services to encourage our community to read, learn, and grow. Gifts of any amount are welcome and will be used where the need is greatest unless designated for a specific purpose by the donor.

Make a donation using your credit or debit card

Online payment option coming soon!

Make a donation via check

Make out your check to Crawfordsville District Public Library.

Bring the check to the Circulation Desk or mail it to:

Crawfordsville District Public Library
Attn: Library Director 
205 S. Washington St. 
Crawfordsville, IN 47933

Make a Memorial or Honor Gift

A monetary donation for the purchase of collection materials is a thoughtful way to honor a loved one’s memory or acknowledge a special occasion or achievement.

Donors may suggest the subject areas or authors to be considered for purchase. Every effort will be made by our selectors to choose materials that will benefit the collection and please the donors. A gift or memorial bookplate will be placed in the item(s).

All library materials are subject to theft, damage, wear, and lack of use; we cannot guarantee that gift materials will remain a part of the collection forever. These items will be maintained on the same basis as other items in the collection.

Make a gift using your credit or debit card

Online payment option coming soon!

Make a memorial or honor gift via check

Make out your check to Crawfordsville District Public Library.

Bring the check to the Circulation Desk or mail it to:

Crawfordsville District Public Library
Attn: Library Director 
205 S. Washington St. 
Crawfordsville, IN 47933

Donate Materials

Donated items may be brought to the first floor Circulation desk during normal library hours. To arrange to drop off a large donation or to ask questions about donating materials, please call 765-362-2242, ext. 1. 

All donated items become the property of the library to be handled as deemed appropriate. Depending on an item’s physical condition and collection needs, donated items may be:

  • Added to the collection
  • Placed in the library book sale, with proceeds supporting the library’s reading programs and other needs
  • Awarded as library event prizes 
  • Recycled as needed


Because space and time is limited, please review the donation guidelines carefully.

Items that are accepted:

  • Gently-used hardcover and paperback books for all ages
  • DVDs and Blu-rays
  • Audiobooks and music CDs
  • Complete puzzles and games

Items that are NOT accepted:

  • Items with water damage, mold, mildew, or other residue
  • Items with broken bindings or torn/missing pages or pieces
  • Items with strong odors, such as cigarette smoke
  • Encyclopedia sets

These items cannot be accepted due to the volunteer time needed to sort and recycle them. Please donate or recycle these items elsewhere, such as Goodwill or Walden’s. Magazines and paperbacks can be placed in any paper recycling bin.