by Ivette de Assis-Wilson and Toni Ridgway-Woodall
Ivette de Assis-Wilson, Head of Reference and Local History Department
Toni Ridgway-Woodall, Library Assistant in the Reference and Local History Department.
Hello dear readers! Did you know that the Crawfordsville Public Library (CDDPL) and the Carnegie Museum of Montgomery County (CMMC) have a full calendar of activities and events for the months of June and July? We provide lots of fun and learning for all ages for free (or at an extremely low cost). Let me tell you all about it.
The Youth Services Department provides weekly activities, as well as one-time events. During the Summer Reading Program for kids and teens, each week starts with a different western-themed craft. A workstation is set up every Monday with all supplies needed. On Tuesdays at 4 pm, students from K-5th grade are welcome to join Elementary Explorers. This program focuses on a different subject every week. Story Time happens on Wednesdays at 10 am. This event is available for all ages but centers on ages 5 and under. It includes stories, finger plays, and songs. Bring the whole family to CDPL on Fridays and join us at 10 am outside near the pavilion where we provide different activities such as sidewalk chalk, painting, sand art, and more. These fun summer activities are for all ages and are designed to encourage families to play together outside.
We also provide teen-specific programs at CDPL. The Teen Advisory Board will meet on Thursday, June 9th at 6 pm. This newly developed group for teens 13-18 years is designed to create the next generation of library leaders and focus on exchanging ideas for future teen activities and programs. The Teen Anime Club will watch a variety of Anime, and enjoy fun activities designed for teens on Tuesday, June 28th at 6 pm. This club is for ages 13-18 (no exceptions). Snacks will be provided.
Finally, the Youth Services department is presenting a special all-ages event known as Touch-a-Truck on Thursday, June 16 from 6:00-8:00 pm in the library parking lot. Come see, touch, and listen to all kinds of trucks including the Batmobile sponsored by Valero Renewables. Finally, beginning on July 18th, join us for Dragon Week. This week-long adventure is for children and teens and includes several dragon-themed activities such as a reading program, crafts, Story Time, and more.
What’s up at the CMMC? The Carnegie Museum has launched its annual summer program aimed at ages 4-12 years which runs now through August 6. Making multiple visits to the museum throughout the summer allows kids to complete different sets of activities and earn prizes for each level completed. These free activities include puzzles, crafts, scavenger hunts, and much more. Explore the museum Tuesday-Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm all summer long. Visit the CMMC on Saturdays in June and July for free science-based activities through the Saturday Summer Science program. Drop-in activities start every hour on the hour, from 10 am to 4 pm. Hands-on fun for everyone!
Also, on Saturday, June 18, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm, the Carnegie Museum is hosting Nature Day and providing family-friendly activities. Drop in to enjoy nature-themed activities inside the building, then enjoy some ice cream outside as a special treat. Learn what it takes to make soil healthy, how our food is grown, ways to conserve energy, how to grow and arrange flowers, and more! This event is offered as part of the Indiana Humanities One State/One Story program celebrating the book, World of Wonders. As always, free admission for the whole family!
From the Reference Desk…
The Reference and Local History Department offers Adult Programs and Activities to individuals 18 years of age and older. For our 2022 Summer Reading Challenge, we are offering activities, programs, as well as several Take-Home kit options. Registration for programs is required and space is limited. All materials will be provided.
On June 14th at 7 pm the Local History Genealogy Club will host speaker Katie Springer from the Indiana State Library. The topic of discussion will be the 1950 Historical Census and a light dinner will be provided. The event is open to all. No registration is required.
Join us on June 16th at 6 pm to create a Crystal Air Plant Holder. Participants will create their own wire-wrapped live air plant holder using cracked geodes. Air plants are included. You will also receive tips for caring for your air plant.
Sewing 101: Drawstring Bags will be offered on June 21st at 6 pm. In this fashion-inspired program, you will learn how to complete two basic hand-sewn stitches and create a small drawstring bag. The Sewing 101 programs will teach participants basic skills and encourage them to think about simple items that can be made without using a pattern or kit.
On July 19th at 6 pm, we will work on Printmaking at Home. In this program, each participant will learn how to make a Gelli plate from simple household ingredients and have the opportunity to print a unique abstract artwork using recycled items.
Our Hiking Stick Workshop will be held on July 21st at 6 pm. There is a small fee of $5.00 to cover supplies. Participants will refinish a “blank” stick that they will re-purpose into a customized hiking stick. Adornments will be available to add personal touches to their creations for a one-of-a-kind hiking experience.
Finally, while supplies last, we have the following take-and-make kits available on the second floor: “Oh, Yes, You Can!” – a four-week, self-paced, watercolor art video instruction; “Microbes in a Macrocosmic World” a STEM experiment that you can turn into an art project; and “Make Your Own Stuffy Mushroom”, a beginner sewing kit for those who want to have fun while learning to hand-stitch.
We hope you come to visit us and enjoy all the fun and educational activities, events, and programs we have to offer this summer.
For more information, please stop by or visit our website at www.cdpl.lib.in.us. You may also reach us by phone at 765-362-2242 or email us at ask@cdpl.lib.in.us.