Getting Started with Transparent Language

Traveling abroad for work or vacation? Want to brush up on that language you studied for four years in school, but somehow can’t seem to remember at all? We’ve got you covered. CDPL is excited to announce that we now offer Transparent Language Online for free to all of our library card holders. Whether you […]
Getting Started with Libby Extras

Are you looking for some indoor entertainment as the weather grows colder? Would you like to learn something new in the upcoming new year? If you already love using our library’s Libby app for ebooks, we now have even more for you to discover there. In addition to the full collection of ebooks, audiobooks, and […]
Digital Genealogy Resources

In our June article, we covered the resources available on the Crawfordsville District Public Library website. In this follow-up, we will explore other digital resources available that are fun ways to explore genealogy and the history of our county and state. Providing a broad range of services and digital ephemera is the Indiana State Library […]
What’s In Your Wallet?

September is National Library Card Month, and I’m borrowing a famous advertising line to invite you, the community we serve, to come to the library and sign up for a library card or update your card if it has expired. During the month of September, everyone who gets a new card or renews their old […]
What Do You Know about Labor Day?

Monday, September 4, is Labor Day, a federal holiday honoring working people in the United States. It also recognizes the achievements of the labor movement toward ensuring fair pay and safe working conditions. To make these changes, labor unions, workers united by a common trade or employer, negotiate as an organized group in a technique […]
Magic of Water Exhibit at the Carnegie Museum

The Magic of Water explores all forms of art celebrating water – from thunderstorms to swimming pools and streams to waterfalls! Poets, philosophers, and artists have often reflected on the magical properties water. Loren Eiseley wrote, “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” Water is forever changing its shape and […]
Fall Adult Programs

CDPL offers various opportunities for research and learning, including digital materials, fiction, and nonfiction books, as well as children, teen, and adult services and programs. If you are searching for a fun program to attend, the Reference Department has upcoming adult programs that might appeal to you. September is National Library Card Month and this […]
A Soaring Mystery of History

Full disclosure: I’ve always been a nerd. It was, perhaps, a childhood popularity liability, but I have long since leaned into it. I kid you not when I say that I often greeted summer with a heavy heart (I also love routine!) and, accordingly, I set about designing a summer syllabus for myself to keep […]
Preserving Local Memories

The Crawfordsville District Public Library is home to the Marian Morrison Local History Collection, featuring materials on Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana and surrounding areas. Located on the second floor of the library, our Local History and genealogy section is a part of the Reference Department and features a robust online database in addition to the […]
Montgomery County Veterans Stories and Records

Once called Decoration Day, from placing flowers and wreaths upon the graves of fallen soldiers, Memorial Day has become a day of remembrance of those who have served our country. The exact origins of the day are unknown, but it does date back to the 1860s. Some have claimed the 1863 dedication of the Gettysburg, […]