Karen Record
Karen Record is the Head of Youth Services at Crawfordsville District Public Library.
Fall is in the air and the Youth Services Department at the Crawfordsville District Public Library has a lot of fun activities planned!
Come in and pick up a Pumpkin Patch Reading Challenge. We have one for ages under 5 and one for kindergarten through 5th grade. Complete the activities to earn a prize and a book to keep. The challenge needs to be turned in no later than October 31st. We have a challenge for tweens and teens too. Drop by and pick one up.
Our annual Character Decorating Pumpkin Contest will be October 23rd-28th. The idea is to decorate a pumpkin like your favorite book character. Paint it, dress it, and accessorize it, but no carving, please. This may be done as a family or as an individual. Participants can bring in their pumpkins on Sunday the 23rd or Monday the 24th. Public voting will take place Wednesday through Friday. The winners will be announced that Saturday.
We will have our Fall Party for children on Tuesday, October 25th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. There will be games, a craft, a “picture find” activity, snacks, and a “guess how many” jar. We encourage children to wear their costumes, but nothing scary, please. There is no registration for this event, just drop in and have fun.
Since the weather is so nice, if you haven’t been out on the trail by the Animal Shelter, you may want to stop by and read the stories along the path. Walk in one direction and read a story. Turn around and walk in the other direction to read the second story. Children love to read these stories, but adults enjoy them too!
Don’t forget about our regular weekly and monthly programs that will continue throughout the year. We have something for all ages. Every week we have Baby Story Time, Toddler Story Time, Preschool Story Time, Wiggle and Giggle, Kindergarten Book Club, and Elementary Explorers. Every month we have Lego Club, Beginner Art Class, Book Munchers (for homeschooled children), Book Clubs for every grade (including tweens and teens), and Anime Club (for ages 13-19).
For all these activities and more please check out our webpage cdpl.lib.in.us or give us a call at 765-362-2242 ext. 2.