Stephanie Morrissette
Stephanie Morrissette is an avid naturalist and is a Library Assistant at the Reference and Local History Department at CDPL.
CDPL offers various opportunities for research and learning, including digital materials, fiction, and nonfiction books, as well as children, teen, and adult services and programs. If you are searching for a fun program to attend, the Reference Department has upcoming adult programs that might appeal to you.
September is National Library Card Month and this year’s theme is “Get in Your Element.” Come to the library on Saturday, September 16, at 10 am, and join “Geology Rocks!” – a hands-on, immersive Mineral ID program for beginners (ages 12 and up). Registration is required and it opens Friday, August 18th. In addition, if you would like to learn more about minerals and/or Geology in general, check these items in our collection: Minerals by Melissa Stewart (j 549 Ste) and Learning about Rocks by Mari Schuch (j 552 Sch) are reliable introductory materials for the young minds. Adults may enjoy The Nature of Earth: An Introduction to Geology by John Renton (Great Courses 551 Ren) and the National Geographic Pocket Guide to the Rocks & Minerals of North America by Sarah Garlick (552.09 Gar). Many more titles are available in the collection and you can ask your librarian to help you find them!
In October, we will be hosting a Solar Eclipse presentation in conjunction with the Carnegie Museum. This program will discuss the types of solar eclipses, parts of an eclipse, and how eclipses shape our atmosphere. Participants will learn how they can be a part of interactive citizen science projects like the NASA Globe Observer Eclipse app. Join others from around the nation in contributing your scientific observations to record changes in our weather during a solar event. Freebies and raffle prizes as well as informational handouts and solar viewing glasses will be distributed.
In November, we will be hosting an event for making wire-wrapped star ornaments on Saturday, the 25th, at 10 am. Registration for this program is required and starts on Friday, October 27th. Come try your hand at cookie-cutter-inspired holiday ornaments to take home or display on your office desk. The color scheme is Victorian rose gold and silver. What a compliment to any tree! If you are and independent learner who likes to work on crafts at your own pace, check out our CreativeBug database for great inspiration. Just log in with your library card and password, and search hundreds of classes from painting to sculpting to sewing and card making; there are many options to explore.
For recurring programs check out YarnWorks every second Monday of the month at 6 PM; Genealogy Club meetings happen on the second Tuesday of the Month at 7 PM; and our Wyrd Words adult book club takes place on the third Thursday of the month at 6 PM.
Don’t forget we also have many children and teen programs too. Be sure to check out our website for more details on upcoming programming or to register for programs via our calendar tab. We also have in-house flyers announcing upcoming events and workshops, available at the second-floor reference desk. Stop by for a Q&A on in-house programs or virtual programming kits, and we will be happy to assist you.
This fall will prove to be an exciting time to attend programs at CDPL! The library is open Monday-Thursday, 9 am-9 pm, Fridays and Saturdays from 9 am-5 pm, and Sundays from 1 pm-5 pm. Stay crafty, Crawfordsville!