Toni Ridgway-Woodall
Toni Ridgway-Woodall is a Library Assistant in the Reference and Local History department and the Mary Bishop Memorial Gallery Coordinator at CDPL.
Visit the Crawfordsville District Public Library from April 23rd through the 29th during National Library Week to enjoy fun activities and learn about your local library. You can quickly search our collection by visiting one of the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) stations located on the first and second floors, or check in advance on our website’s search bar. Finding the perfect reading materials has never been easier.
Our welcoming metropolitan-style facility is bright with natural light and hosts an array of reading spaces on the first and second floors nestled among our plants. Stop by our newly added Seed Library to begin planning your garden or flowerbed, or sign up for an upcoming how-to program on gardening. We encourage everyone to take this opportunity to know and grow with us. Our multi-level building houses a large collection of printed reading materials such as books, magazines, and other publications, as well as movies and audio in various formats. We have Graphic Novels, Anime, and Foreign Films. That’s right! We have that.
On the first floor, you will find a hub of activity and historical reminders of our local past, such as the Lyons Music sign. The artworks of local, regional, national, and international artists are displayed on rotating bases within the Mary Bishop Memorial Gallery. Browse our collection of New Adult Fiction or catch up on world events with our subscription to top newspapers. You will also find smiling faces in the Circulation and Youth Services departments when entering the library. They are ready to assist you.
Stop by our Circulation Desk if you are seeking general information about acquiring a library card, checking out or renewing materials, sending a fax, or donating new or gently used books and media. If you are looking for reading materials for toddlers, children, or young adults, in-house activities, or age-appropriate programs including Book Munchers homeschool group, visit the Youth Services Desk.
On the second floor, you will find quiet spaces to work that include non-circulating reference materials, the Marian Morrison Local History Collection, and New Non-Fiction materials. If you are looking for a public computer, to print your documents, or a peaceful activity such as the Community Puzzle, visit the Reference Desk and ask for details. There is more to the story at CDPL. Come be a part of it.
Take a moment to show your appreciation for our dedicated staff and our extensive community library by filling out a comment card and telling us what you love about CDPL. Stop by the Circulation or Reference Desk if you would like to receive instructions on how to use the OPAC station, acquire a CDPL library card, or want more information about our monthly used book sale. Please visit our website at www.cdpl.lib.in.us or call us at 765-362-2242 if you have any questions. CDPL is open Monday-Thursday 9a-9p, Friday-Saturday 9a-5p, and Sunday 1-5p.