Get Inspired! Films at CDPL

Do you love movies that inspire you to step above and beyond? You can find an excellent selection at the Crawfordsville District Public Library. We have a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction films and there are multiple ways you can watch your favorites. You may check out a DVD or Blu-Ray for (7) seven […]
E-content at CDPL

You’re probably familiar with the wonderful collection of books, DVDs, magazines, and CDs here in our library, but you may not know that your library card grants access to a whole world of online resources as well. You can find classes on a variety of subjects from watercolors to spreadsheets under the E-content tab on […]
What Do You Know About Black History Month?

In the United States, February is recognized as Black History Month. During this month, federal and local organizations pay tribute “to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society.” This celebration started in 1925 during a week in February that encompassed the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and […]
Holocaust Remembrance Day

UN member states observe January 27, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It’s a time to call to mind not only that dark chapter from our world’s history but also to be mindful of how that history does (or doesn’t) inform our lives and actions today. The UK’s Holocaust […]
Time Travel at CDPL

It’s a new year, and we are forging ever onward into the future! We may not have flying cars or teleportation, but the canny library patron can travel far and wide. Get your ticket to the future (or even, perhaps, the past?) and check out one of our Time Travel themed books displayed on the […]
New Year Resolutions

We survived the Holidays, the first week of January is already gone, and the weather seems like a roller-coaster of temperatures… Now what? Do you already have a to-do list for 2023, or are you a procrastinator like me? If anywhere on that list (or just in your thoughts) are the words “learn,” “watch,” “read,” […]
Binge-Worthy Fantasy YA

YA (Young Adult) books are not just for teens. The library has many YA series with unforgettable characters and outstanding storytelling that appeal to both adults and teens. If you’re looking to discover a new series, try some of these crowd favorites from our YA section at the library. Some titles are also available on […]
Holidays Around the World

This time of year is dominated by a particular brand of celebration. The TV plays Rankin/Bass classics back-to-back, stores overflow with stocking stuffers and gift wrap, and there are more Santa Clauses than you can shake a stick at. It seems like everyone celebrates Christmas, and all in the exact same way. This year, part […]
Pack Your Holiday Gatherings with Fun & Games

As we prepare for extended time with family and friends, our focus is generally consumed with meal plans, holiday décor, and travel arrangements. Many of us enjoy spending time with loved ones, yet we face stretches of boredom while waiting on others to complete necessary tasks or just being away from our normal routines. The […]
Patterns in Nature

Patterns in nature are everywhere. From our DNA to galactic formation, patterns in nature are displayed throughout our environment as a sequence of numbers, termed the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is a pattern of numbers that equals the sum of the previous two numbers before them – 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, […]