CDPL Celebrates Back to School

The end of each summer brings one of my favorite times, “Back to School” shopping. Fresh school supplies and new clothes and shoes, picking out a backpack and lunch box. For kids, these are cherished memories but, for parents, this can be a time of stress. Schedules are full and wallets are empty, making this […]
Crawfordsville’s Greatest Showman | Lew Graham’s Private Life (Part 2)
The “fannnnntastic and marrrrvelous” Lew Graham, Crawfordsville’s greatest showman, built an impressive resume in the circus world but his private life was a little tumultuous. In between tours, he slipped back to Crawfordsville occasionally to visit his three sisters and two brothers-in-law. In 1894, he returned to Crawfordsville for a family emergency. His brother-in-law, John […]
Crawfordsville’s Greatest Showman | A Star is Born (Part 1)
The tale of Crawfordsville’s greatest showman begins on a warm day in 1875 when the John Robinson Circus wended its way through Crawfordsville in a splendid procession through the streets. An eight-year-old boy, Lew Graham, stood on the curb near his father’s dry goods store at the corner of Washington and Main streets to watch […]
Citizen Science
Citizen Science is an emerging topic, especially in today’s climate. What is citizen science? Citizen science can be described as community members of all ages that participate in reporting environmental information to the scientific community regardless of formal training or not. So, in truth, anyone can become involved in local or even national STEM projects, […]
CDPL has the best books for parents
New parent anxiety or excitement is not a new thing but the pressure to raise your children the “right way” is hotter than ever. It is no longer as simple as feeding, loving and caring for your baby but knowing all the nutrition facts about what is in the food and how it is going […]