National Library Week

Visit the Crawfordsville District Public Library from April 23rd through the 29th during National Library Week to enjoy fun activities and learn about your local library. You can quickly search our collection by visiting one of the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) stations located on the first and second floors, or check in advance on […]
Early Lodges of Montgomery County

In celebration of the bicentennial of Montgomery County, December 1822-December 2022, the local history area in the library showcased four historical displays throughout the year. The current and last display is called Early Lodges of Montgomery County. Enlarged copies of postcards featuring the historic lodge buildings in Crawfordsville, Waynetown, Darlington, and New Market are displayed […]
College Scholarship and Grant Search

Are you college bound? Are you a graduating senior looking for financial aid options including scholarships and grants available at the Federal, State, and County level? Have you considered informational outlets for career education and advancement? You may start your search by looking at your degree program, local non-profits, and community foundations, or by asking […]
New Genealogy Collection Available for Checkout

The Crawfordsville District Public Library’s genealogist, Dellie Craig, has been hard at work creating a new section in the Marian Morrison Local History collection. Dellie has organized a collection of genealogy and local history books, magazines, and DVDs that you can check out and take home. You can also place holds on these items if […]
E-content at CDPL

You’re probably familiar with the wonderful collection of books, DVDs, magazines, and CDs here in our library, but you may not know that your library card grants access to a whole world of online resources as well. You can find classes on a variety of subjects from watercolors to spreadsheets under the E-content tab on […]
What Do You Know About Black History Month?

In the United States, February is recognized as Black History Month. During this month, federal and local organizations pay tribute “to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society.” This celebration started in 1925 during a week in February that encompassed the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and […]
New Year Resolutions

We survived the Holidays, the first week of January is already gone, and the weather seems like a roller-coaster of temperatures… Now what? Do you already have a to-do list for 2023, or are you a procrastinator like me? If anywhere on that list (or just in your thoughts) are the words “learn,” “watch,” “read,” […]
Patterns in Nature

Patterns in nature are everywhere. From our DNA to galactic formation, patterns in nature are displayed throughout our environment as a sequence of numbers, termed the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is a pattern of numbers that equals the sum of the previous two numbers before them – 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, […]
Researching the Veterans in Your Family Tree

As Veteran’s Day remembrance events pass by, we have time to reflect on those veterans in our community and family whom we have not met and thanked them for their service. Honoring them and remembering their accomplishments is essential. As former House Representative, Henry Waxman once said, “The sanctity of our battlefields, monuments, and veterans […]
November is Native American Heritage Month

November is Native American Heritage Month. And we start by acknowledging that our community lives and works on lands once occupied by several indigenous tribes, such as the Wea, Miami, Potawatomi, Shawnee, Wyandot, Winnebago, and Delaware. We’d like to invite you to challenge yourself this month to learn about the groups that used to live […]