Backyard Songbirds of Indiana

weekly columns

As spring approaches, we notice little signs that nature is slowly greening. With the new buds beginning to elongate and prepare to open, many bird species will visit our feeders in the knowledge of the warmer temperatures to come. Many songbirds you may already know, especially if you stock your bird feeders. Maybe you even […]

The Seed Library is Open

weekly columns

The Crawfordsville District Public Library has opened the Seed Library for the 2024 growing season! This year you will find your favorite vegetable and flower seeds with a sprinkling of new seeds to try. Each patron is invited to take 10 seed packets for the season. If you need more seeds than allowed, please send […]


weekly columns

Journaling has been around for a long time. One of the earliest known journals was penned by Ma Dubo nearly 2000 years ago. His travel journal was written as daily entries describing his journey across China from Luoyang to Mount Tai. Ma Dubo wrote of the people he saw along the way and their daily […]

The CD in CDPL

weekly columns

Despite what my little sister thinks, I’m still quite young. My car is even younger, yet it only has a radio and a CD player – no Bluetooth, no AUX hookup, nothing that might let me stream music as is the usual method nowadays. It’s a good, reliable car, I’m not going to trade it […]

Bats of Indiana

weekly columns

Many people misunderstand bats and assume they want to terrorize people, be caught in their hair, have rabies (less than 1% of the bat population), drink blood, and generally cause mayhem to humans. In truth, bats are one of our most beneficial insectivores, eating up to their body weight each night, the equivalent of 1200-1500 […]

So, You Want to Read a Classic This Year…

Plenty of people resolve to read more in the new year. It’s a good goal, at least in this librarian’s opinion. Reading exercises your brain. It can introduce you to new words, new information, and new perspectives. It should be fun and relaxing, but the pressure to read is a source of frustration for many, […]

Learning About Our Collective History

weekly columns

February is here, and CDPL has a Black History Month display and column to share with you. In previous years, our column addressed the origins of Black History Month as it stands today, and how the federal government started recognizing its significance for the African American communities around the country. This time, I’d like for […]

A Fresh Start

weekly columns

Has your New Year’s resolution gone to the wayside? Feeling like you have dropped the ball on your personal goals? No worries! You can pursue a fresh start and get back on track by checking out and using the materials and services we offer at the library. Begin your fresh start by attending a one-hour […]

Library Naturalist Series

Happy New Year!  CDPL is happy to offer a new and adventurous program series this year called the Library Naturalist. We will have an educational nature program on a different topic each month. We will also include some nature hikes throughout the series! The educational classroom programs will be geared towards adults and teens ages […]

A Look at Our Past: The Lincoln School

The Lincoln School for Colored Children operated in Crawfordsville from its inception in 1881 to 1947. The first location opened in September of 1882, at the corner of Spring and North Walnut, with 42 students. The land and buildings of the school provided a safe space for the black community to socialize and learn. In […]