Digital Genealogy Resources

In our June article, we covered the resources available on the Crawfordsville District Public Library website. In this follow-up, we will explore other digital resources available that are fun ways to explore genealogy and the history of our county and state.  Providing a broad range of services and digital ephemera is the Indiana State Library […]

Hauntingly Good Horror Books

The season of chills and thrills is approaching with a crisp fall breeze, bringing with it new titles and remembrances of old favorites. If you love to read books that induce spine-tingling goosebumps, there are many new titles coming to the shelves of the Crawfordsville District Public Library. Check out the New Fiction shelves on […]

Learn About Banned Books Week

Throughout history, books that challenge political ideologies or religious sentiments have often been the first to be faced with censure. During the early 20th century, nations banned and even burned books that they thought might endanger the status of their regimes. By the 1950s, the United States jumped on the “banned wagon.” This was not […]

Wyrd Words Book Club Anniversary

From the moment I first started reading books I wanted to share and talk about those books with people. I have never been the type of person to thoughtfully put a book away and be done with it, no, I must seek out the book’s next victim and wait not so patiently until they also […]

Look Up in the Sky

Get in your element for National Library Card Month with amateur astronomy! The annual Perseid meteor shower wrapped up at the beginning of this month, but you still have a lot to look forward to. The Orionid meteor shower is September 26 to November 22, with its peak in the early morning of October 22, […]

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

weekly columns

September 15 marks the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage Month, which continues through October 15th. Originally a weeklong celebration instituted by President Lyndon B. Johnson, Hispanic Heritage Month celebrates the rich, diverse cultures of the Latino community and recognizes their indispensable contributions to the United States. Although every year, Latino Americans proudly participate and use […]

Remembering September 11

weekly columns

Many of us can remember when the World Trade Center towers were attacked on September 11, 2001. Many of us can remember exactly where we were and what we were doing. Many of us were frightened for our families, our children, our friends, and our country. No contrails marked the sky where airplanes had been. […]

What’s In Your Wallet?

September is National Library Card Month, and I’m borrowing a famous advertising line to invite you, the community we serve, to come to the library and sign up for a library card or update your card if it has expired. During the month of September, everyone who gets a new card or renews their old […]

What Do You Know about Labor Day?

weekly columns

Monday, September 4, is Labor Day, a federal holiday honoring working people in the United States. It also recognizes the achievements of the labor movement toward ensuring fair pay and safe working conditions. To make these changes, labor unions, workers united by a common trade or employer, negotiate as an organized group in a technique […]

Magic of Water Exhibit at the Carnegie Museum

The Magic of Water explores all forms of art celebrating water – from thunderstorms to swimming pools and streams to waterfalls!  Poets, philosophers, and artists have often reflected on the magical properties water. Loren Eiseley wrote, “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” Water is forever changing its shape and […]