Researching the Veterans in Your Family Tree

weekly columns

As Veteran’s Day remembrance events pass by, we have time to reflect on those veterans in our community and family whom we have not met and thanked them for their service.  Honoring them and remembering their accomplishments is essential.  As former House Representative, Henry Waxman once said, “The sanctity of our battlefields, monuments, and veterans […]

November is Native American Heritage Month

weekly columns

November is Native American Heritage Month. And we start by acknowledging that our community lives and works on lands once occupied by several indigenous tribes, such as the Wea, Miami, Potawatomi, Shawnee, Wyandot, Winnebago, and Delaware. We’d like to invite you to challenge yourself this month to learn about the groups that used to live […]

Fall Activities at CDPL

weekly columns

Fall is in the air and the Youth Services Department at the Crawfordsville District Public Library has a lot of fun activities planned! Come in and pick up a Pumpkin Patch Reading Challenge. We have one for ages under 5 and one for kindergarten through 5th grade. Complete the activities to earn a prize and […]

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

At the beginning of the COVID-19 shutdown, families came together. It was a return to family cooking, bread baking, game night, and family book clubs. Gone was the nightly rush to get homework done between taekwondo, dance class, and soccer games. Things slowed down; families spent more time together and got to know each other […]

National Fossil Day

weekly columns

National Fossil Day is the day to celebrate our geologic heritage! This day, established by the National Park Service in 2010, highlights the scientific and educational values of paleontology and the importance of fossils in not only our past but how we might learn about our future. Fossils are geologic time capsules—plants and animals that […]

Grief and Celebration of a Life Well Lived

weekly columns

The past couple of years have felt like one long season of global grief. While grappling with personal sorrows, we have also been immersed in news of heartbreaking national and global events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic deaths, the Uvalde mass shooting and other mass shootings, and atrocities committed in the war in Ukraine. The […]

Autumn is in the Air at CDPL

weekly columns

Happy Fall! Happy Autumnal Equinox! September 21st or 22nd, depending on where one is in the world, fall starts on one of these two dates. Autumn comes from Latin for “aequi”, which means equal, and “nox” meaning night; day and night are equal. The equinox represents the passing of summer into fall, as the sun […]

Learn about Banned Books at CDPL

weekly columns

The Crawfordsville District Public Library would like to bring attention to books that have been banned, burned, challenged, or denied during international Banned Book Week, September 18-24. We will have several options on display for the whole month and information about why these books caused controversy. Throughout history, various groups of power have had little […]

Kinship with Animals-Natasha Vidger’s Exhibit

weekly columns

The Mary Bishop Memorial Gallery at the Crawfordsville District Public Library would like to invite the public to view a new exhibit by the nationally recognized artist, Natasha Vidger. Her work will be on display through the end of September during the library’s regular hours of operation. A limited number of Vidger’s paintings will be […]

Lasso a Library Card in September

weekly columns

During the month of September, we’re celebrating National Library Card Sign-Up Month at CDPL! We encourage all of our Union township readers to “lasso a library card and find your superpower at CDPL!” Aside from the normally super strong offerings we make available to library-card holders, this month new cardholders will have the opportunity to […]